Alchemize the void

1:1 Coaching // Unburden and Integrate // Reorganize your system

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“While I've worked with many different coaches to gain clarity of my inner workings, our sessions have proven to be some of the most effective in helping me anchor into masculinity and make sense of what has driven me off my path in the past.” - Nik T.


I call it… Integration Coaching

Coaching that focuses on the shift from isolation to human connection and internal harmony. It’s time to reignite your capacity to live by your own rules, not what you’ve been expected to be. The focus is on cultivating awareness, self leadership and self empowerment as combined forces.

The idea is to develop an intricate knowledge of how YOUR system functions. Then to unburden the parts that are holding the blocks towards an desired way of being.

I’d be honored to guide you.

Casey Desharnias

Likely, You know what not to be?

Do you know who you’re meant to be?

Living by prescribed societal standards hasn’t worked for you….

You are ready to create a life of meaning and find your authentic way. Its in you, yet bringing to life your unique potential hasn’t been rewarded. Forging a workable relationship with your genuine self has been confusing. As a result, you may have turned back towards known ways and relied upon old habits.

Life has started to feel flat and dull- You know you’re blending into the herd and leaving your true gifts undiscovered..

You have to get real!

I believe the journey into our void is the critical step to unlock your authentic momentum. You must train yourself to move through the baggage that’s in the way. Imagine unlocking your true power and intuitive ability to create and lead. As you repurpose the energy within your void, you will experience the clarity of an integrated system which allows you to move from authenticity.

Take the next step…


6 Weeks


12 Weeks



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